Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Texting for Truancy

This article in Education Week has an interesting and very easy way to let parents know instantly if their kids are skipping. Seems pretty effective. I just wonder who would be responsible for sending the text out, the teacher or the administrator. I plan on being very reachable for parents and I wonder how reachable they want to be for me. I would hope that an open dialog will be created between me, my students and their parents.


  1. This is one of the issues that gets to me most. I would love to have well balanced (as in not crazy), caring and supportive parents. I know they exists but ultimately I think we will be dealing with those at both ends of the scale. Those who care very little and those who are all up in out face.

  2. That was supposed to be our face.

  3. Sometimes parents can be pretty hard to reach, especially working parents. I think it's great when teachers post information for parents in several locations, like a bulletin board, on a blog, or in a newsletter. That way I am more likely to be aware of what is going on and know that I will not miss out on something because my son forgot to bring home a note.

  4. Apparently the 15 year-old described in the article created a program that sends out the truant texts to parents automatically. Check out his website at http://www.truanttoday.com/. If you click on "about the founder" you can see his TED talk video; pretty amazing kid! Thanks for posting this, Josh.
