This article "D.C. Evaluations Target Hundreds for Firing or Bonuses" brings very specific questions to my mind... How does someone become a bad teacher? Where they always ineffective? Did they become complacent? Did they get burned out? How does anyone survive while being ineffective at their job? Are their these same problems in other fields? How can we as educators do a better job at helping students be successful and not go down a path that leads to unhappiness?
My point is that after 17 or more years of school young adults should be on a path to success. If a teacher enters the system ineffective then somewhere along the way the educational system has failed miserably. It's not enough as a teacher to teach their subject I feel that they should be helping students to find their strengths and weaknesses. To find their hidden talents and to get them excited about the subject they are good at and to help them find their path to happiness.
For those teachers that started out successful and became complacent or disgruntled maybe it is time for a change. I know first hand what it is like to become set in a job that you feel is ineffective and was fortunate to have the opportunity to try something new. People are living longer these days and is only natural that they go through these transitions. The higher education system has done a good job of offering programs for people such as me. It almost seams like it is too easy. But then again I don't have a family to support or am overwhelmed with bills and expenses.
Maybe moving more students into the higher education system sooner would enable them to explore more opportunities and to better find that first career and be more effective as citizens. If only we could afford it?